In Property - You Make Money When You Buy, Not When You Sell.
In Property - You Make Money When You Buy, Not When You Sell. Ever had somebody tell you that he just made so much money selling some real estate? Fact is, that person did not make the money selling the real estate holding, chances are buying in the first place generated the profits. A common saying in real estate investing is, “You make your money when you buy, not when you sell.” This means that your purchase price is the main factor that determines your profit later on. You can’t only rely on an appreciating market, wishful thinking to create your profit margin. Despite it being one of the most common sayings in real estate, investors still miss the significance of this first and most important step. Making your money when you buy simply means buying “right.” Lets look closer at a sale. One has to assume that the market as a whole is well informed and has professional assistance in form of real estate professionals. The best deals in the market tend to sell first and overpriced prop...