What Da Vinci can teach us about real estate?
What Da Vinci can teach us about real estate? Being full of ideas and unable to execute them is nothing new - the great artist Leonardo Da Vinci was an expert at it. But it is something many who want to invest in real estate are guilty of today too - it's vital to be curious and masterful of what you want to do but you have to know when to end the curiosity process and act. While we'll never know why Mona Lisa was smiling in her portrait, perhaps it was because she didn't believe that the painting would ever be finished. That's because it was quite common for Leonardo Da Vinci to start a project but not complete it. Today, Da Vinci is regarded as one of the world's most enquiring minds, even though he is mostly remembered for his painting. However, he excelled at distraction - perhaps due to the multitude of inventions floating around inside his brain - which often meant many of his projects became half-finished ideas at best. So, some five centuries on from his de...