

 IMAGINE THERE IS NO REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY, IT IS EASY IF YOU TRY. To paraphrase John Lennon who was singing about world peace ...Imagine, go on just imagine, that it is 2024 and real estate in all its different verticals and intersections did not exist, and it was your job to build it on a digital framework. What would it look like? Here's a question for Founders of PropTech companies who are re-imagining just that, and with lots of them being young with limited knowledge about the Real Estate industry, and how it ticks - and that is their big advantage, as it does not limit their imagination. The point is, if you have a limited knowledge about something but see a flaw, an issue a 'scratch that needs scratching' you go at it in several ways. Alternatively, if you have 30 years of solid experience you adopt a legacy approach - we always do X and we get Z. With new technology in the mix, the next generation of problem solvers are using tools that can interpret things in a pro...

What Da Vinci can teach us about real estate?

 What Da Vinci can teach us about real estate? Being full of ideas and unable to execute them is nothing new - the great artist Leonardo Da Vinci was an expert at it. But it is something many who want to invest in real estate are guilty of today too - it's vital to be curious and masterful of what you want to do but you have to know when to end the curiosity process and act. While we'll never know why Mona Lisa was smiling in her portrait, perhaps it was because she didn't believe that the painting would ever be finished. That's because it was quite common for Leonardo Da Vinci to start a project but not complete it. Today, Da Vinci is regarded as one of the world's most enquiring minds, even though he is mostly remembered for his painting. However, he excelled at distraction - perhaps due to the multitude of inventions floating around inside his brain - which often meant many of his projects became half-finished ideas at best. So, some five centuries on from his de...

PropTech bringing about Smart contracts.

  PropTech bringing about Smart contracts. The most valuable aspect of a real estate transaction is Trust and the lack of this always has impact on it. So its no surprise therefore that PropTech seeks to find a  solution to this with the aid of Blockchain technology by making smart contracts available. Smart contracts are intended to digitally facilitate and verify a contract instantly and without the need for third parties. Every transaction is entirely trackable and irreversible. This mitigates transactions from a lot of risk and brings trust in place. It brings security to the procedure, as well as increasing efficiency. Its no surprise that the legal profession is all over smart contracts. Moving forward, smart contract would make investing in Real Estate more attractive to investors as it brings trust into the process. This PropTech innovation will allow contract agreements to be executed as digital smart contracts, using blockchain technology to create a simple and secur...

If buying a property is too expensive of an investment for you

  If buying a property is too expensive of an investment for you 1. Invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) A REIT, or real estate investment trust, is a company that either owns or finances real estate that produces income. REITs invest the majority of their money into real estate, and it's how they make the majority of their income. There are REITs that focus on both residential and commercial property. Most REITs are equity REITs, but some trade in mortgages instead of actual properties. Perhaps most important for you, the investor, is that at least 90% of the taxable income it pays is via dividends to the shareholders. So researching thriving REITs and purchasing shares in them has potential as a profitable investment. 2. Invest in Real Estate Mutual Funds Real estate mutual funds differ somewhat from REITs. Whereas a REIT is an actual company, mutual funds are simply investments pooled together and overseen by an investment manager. A mutual fund allows investors to ha...

Land Reforms and the Future of the Land Use Act in Nigeria

Land Reforms and the Future of the Land Use Act in Nigeria Human society the world over is heavily dependent on land and its resources. It is not an overstatement to say that without land there would be no human existence. In this article we take a critical look at land reforms and the future of Land use act in Nigeria. Man gets items very essential for his survival such as food, fuel, clothing, shelter, medication and others from land. Every person requires land for his support, preservation and self-actualization within the general ideals of the society. Land is the foundation of shelter, food and employment. Man lives on land during his life and upon his demise, his remains are kept in it permanently. Even where the remains are cremated, the ashes eventually settle on land. It is therefore crucial to the existence of the individual and the society. It is inseparable from the concept of the society. Man has been aptly described as a land animal. From the foregoing, it is obvious that...

Why Are You Asking What is My Budget?

Why Are You Asking What is My Budget? Have you ever tried to Rent, Buy or Invest in a property, or called a real estate agent about a listing, and within minutes, they're asking you What is Your Budget? If you haven't heard those words, then you have never tried to rent, buy or invest in a property. Or at least maybe not yet. Wait. It will soon happen. And you're going to feel like it's pushy for them to ask that. It's like a joke. Its like telling someone you want to buy, rent or invest in a property but it's none of their business if you can but won't be a joke anyone would want to laugh at because it's no joking matter. Which doesn't even depend on the personality of the person you're saying this to. If the real estate agent isn't asking because its seems pushy or worried about not wanting to offend you, they should be asking because it's entirely important. It's not about how they ask the question but you have to expect the questi...

Understanding The three Types Of Real Estate Markets: Primary, Secondary And Tertiary

 Understanding The three Types Of Real Estate Markets: Primary, Secondary And Tertiary if your goal as a real estate investors is to maximize your success you pursue this goal then the first thing you should have is to keep an open mind about the markets you’re pursuing and to expand your horizons when it comes to making real estate deals. Some Investors try to stick to a market, but here are some tips and tricks for expanding your portfolio into other areas. What Is A Primary Market In Real Estate? In real estate, primary markets are the largest housing markets. Primary markets, also known as gateway markets, include large, dense population centers with long-established commerce and industry. What Is A Secondary Market In Real Estate? Secondary market real estate refers to cities that are slightly smaller than primary markets, with populations between one and five million. Secondary markets have slightly less economic activity, but are typically growing in terms of commerce, indus...